Happy New Year everyone!!
I have a long wish list for 2010!! I am recovering from back surgery and its driving me crazy to finally have some down time and not be able to get to the sewing machine or some of my craft projects!!
However there is a bright side, I am pretty much recliner bound at least for now, so after my daily work is done, Ive been stitching some small projects to be finished later on.
April 17, 2010 is our local Relay for Life, and our campsite theme is Breast Cancer, so much of what I plan to stitch up is in a pick theme. We plan to have some pretty purse accessories, travel backpacks, ornaments, lap quilts, and some decorative pillows, and some handmade cards....soooo there is much to get moving on!! Special thanks to my friend Donna at Stitching for a Cure, for donating a gorgeous pink ribbon pillow with Lizzie Kate's "Peace, love and a cure". It will certainly command a nice sum for Relay!!
But...onto the wish list!
1. consistantly work on my family tree sampler
2. make at least a dozen christmas ornaments.
3. monogram a blanket for my grand neice arriving in Feb
4. actually complete the 12 charts Ive picked out to finish this year.
5. utilize all the pretty cardstock and paper Ive collected into cards for family, friends, and Relay dontations!
Ok...now its in writing, so I have to work on them!!
Hope you all have a wonderful year ahead and enjoy every minute of working on your wish list!
Keep those fingers Bizee!!